DIALOGUES - Connections with others

January Muse Palette 1, acrylic paint on canvas, 9 x 9 inches, 2021. Work inspired by the “January Muse Image” from the Hammond Museum.

January Muse Palette 2, acrylic paint on canvas, 9 x 9 inches, 2021. Work inspired by the “January Muse Image” from the Hammond Museum.

November Muse Palette, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 9 in, 2020. Work inspired by the “November Muse Image”, and conceived for the November Virtual Exhibition at the Hammond Museum.

Interrupted Palette from DP with Bob, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 17.5 in, 2020.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Rosa, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 17.5 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Rosa, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.5 x 59 in, 2019.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Luzia, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 17.5 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Luzia, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.5 x 59.5 in, 2020.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Chandra, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 17.5 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Chandra, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.5 x 59 in, 2020.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Bob, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 9 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Bob, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.5 x 59 in, 2020.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Beth, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 9 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Beth, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.7 x 59.5 in, 2019.

Palette from Dialogical Painting with Sandy, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 9 in, 2020.

Dialogical Painting with Sandy, DP series, acrylic on paper, 34.5 x 59.5 in, 2020.

December Muse Palette, acrylic on canvas, 9 x 9 in, 2020. Work inspired by the “December Muse Image” from the Hammond Museum.

About COLOR PALETTES and their relation with MICROCODMOS and DIALOGICAL PAINTINGS series.
I have been always fascinated by colors, by the relation among themselves and the potential of different associations.
COLOR PALETTES paintings are geometric constructions, using as reference, color associations from external sources. This series of works reflect my desire to establish connections with the environment and other people using the alchemy of colors as a source of inspiration.
COLOR PALETTES were made using as reference the colors from the MICROCODMOS and the DIALOGICAL PAINTINGS series.
Either the MICROCODMOS paintings fluidity or the strength of the marks left on the DIALOGICAL PAINTINGS come from the choice of giving up some control, open space for the unpredictable, and capture and fix the vitality of a body in action with its free expanded gestures. These works are traces of events.
Differently, COLOR PALETTES are geometric and organized constructions generated by a solitary and controlled movement. These opposite dynamics were decisive in the choice of the scale. COLOR PALETTES are restrained small scale works while DIALOGICAL PAINTINGS and MICROCODMOS need a wider working surface dimension to receive a more expanded gesture.
The choice of the scale in the two approaches also was made according to the intention of establishing proximity or distance between the work and the artist or viewer. Looking at short distance to the DIALOGICAL PAINTINGS we can feel inside the work and apprehend the vitality of the gesture that generated the painting, while when we look at the COLOR PALETTES, no matter how close we are, we tent to feel ourselves in an outside place.

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