The performance VOTE SALVADOR D'AQUI was presented in 2008 at the Comandos Contemporâneos exhibition, organized by the Cooperativa dos Artistas Visuais do Brasil, of which I was not only a part, but also social director and one of the founders. The performance consisted of assuming the identity of a "heroine cyclist", the Woman by Bike, whose purpose was to save the world. I rode a bicycle manufactured by Dream Bike for electoral propaganda for a distance of 8.5 miles, between my residence and the exhibition site. With a stamper in my hand stating the address, I interacted with the public on the street and invited them to attend. On the back of the bike, on each side there was a banner with the text VOTE SALVADOR D'AQUI (VOTE SAVIOR FROM HERE) and a portrait of Salvador Dali photographed by his great partner Philippe Halsman.

Images printed on the two banners from the bike for the performance.
October 01, 2022
This date seemed like a perfect time to reactivate this work! Brazil is on the eve of the first round of voting, about to elect its new president! We live in an extremely polarized and violent moment. Art is poetry and has the strength to transform! I shared the work VOTE SALVADOR D’AQUI on social media Facebook and Instagram, inviting people to vote with conscience and love in their hearts. Down with violence and long live Art!